Ep. 69 - Got That Dog in You
Friend of the show and Orlando comedian Sean Philippe stops by this week to sprinkle some knowledge.
Ep. 68 - Six Loko
Ep. 67 - Greased Up
Ep. 66 - July 4th
Ep. 65 - If I Was A Mini-Man
Ep. 64 - The Idea Machine
Ep. 63 - A Taste of Premium
We figured you cheap fucks deserve a premium too, but it’s censored, and you don’t get to hear our magician names either. Count how many curse words I missed!
Ep. 62 - You Crazy For This One
Talking celebrities and movies this week, like my movie Yucca Fest, that you can stream right now on TubiTV.
Ep. 61 - Memorial Day
No episode this week but if you need to be entertained check out Yucca Fest on TubiTV, or check out stuff Scott and Frost are doing. Or talk to your family.
Ep. 60 - Monopoly
Ep. 59 - Spicy Hand Sanitizer
Bringing you another episode with the tiniest mics. Guess what we’re talking about this week. I dare you.
Ep. 58 - Stream Yucca Fest on Tubi
Straight up advertising this week, at least with the title. This week we taste test Kevin Hart’s tequila. Yucca Fest is available to stream on TubiTV! Watch it for free!
Ep. 57 - Available Now!
Yucca Fest is available now on Amazon Prime Video for purchase or to rent. If you don’t feel like spending money you can always wait a few weeks for us to get onto TubiTV. Oh yeah also here’s an episode of Tiny Mics.
Ep. 56 - Pause
Ep. 55 - Magic Love
Big table vibes this week and Scott straight up looks like a villain with this lighting.
Ep. 54 - Animals Be Cannibals
We recorded this one last night and I still don’t understand how we got to the places we did.
Ep. 53 - One Year Special
We've made it all the way around the sun, can you believe it? Because it's happening. Right now.